Segun comentan en SpekSNK suenan rumores de que SNK Playmore podría anunciar el desarrollo del siguiente episodio de la saga King Of Fighters durante el AOU 2010 (Amusement Expo 2010), la feria arcade.

Aparentemente la filtración original viene del blog de Versus City, con lo que podría garantizar cierta veracidad a la información.

"According to a couple of arcade operator friends of mine, SNK will be showing off the latest iteration of the King of Fighters series at AOU on the 19th and 20th.

King of Fighters 13 will apparently run on the Type X2 hardware and will begin operation during the last part of April. I don’t have any other information but most likely things will start to pop up this weekend."

Personalmente espero que sea cierto y que mejoren todos los defectos y carencias del King Of Fighters XII, un gran juego desde el punto de vista jugable (para mi sin duda mejor que SF4) que se ha quedado en un quiero y no puedo por culpa de su alarmante falta de contenido.


Según el blog de Versus City, parece ser que finalmente no hay anuncio en esta edición del AOU, sin embargo afirman que el juego existe y que vería la luz sobre marzo/abril.

"KOF13 No Shows at AOU
Following up on an earlier story I ran, I contacted two of my arcade operator contacts who attended AOU on Friday. One of them was the person who confirmed that KOF13 will be released at the end of April and he says that he still believes this information to be true; however, he mentioned by e-mail to me that the game was not shown at AOU and will most likely not be shown to the public. My contact did say however that an announcement may come at the end of March, about a month before the official release if his original prediction still stands, so we’ll see what happens next month with this title"

Estaremos atentos pues a los próximos meses.


Según Versus City, el anuncio acerca del juego sería en Marzo, durante un evento de Neo-Geo que habrá en Arcadia, y el lanzamiento para Abril:

"editor: The launch is not in March, rather an announcement will be in March. Most likely via Arcadia since they are running a Neo-Geo feature next month. The actual game release will be in April according to my contact, who also quoted me a price on the game, so I have reason to believe the information is true."

De momento queda todo en humo, ya veremos que es lo que ocurre al final.


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